Sunday 18 September 2011

NEWS 18th September 2011

61,000 HITS!
$40 POORER!?!

That's right kiddys, the move to SmugMug is now complete. You can stilll access MediaFire if you must, but I will no longer be hosting new material there (and will probably delete everything there soon). As you can see, SmugMug offers slideshows and badges, which I'm sure has crippled a few peoples bandwidth whilst I figured out the right amount for my homepage. This has taken the number of posts from 900+ down to 132 as each topic is a post (instead of every photo). As topics will expand horizontally not vertically, from now on I will repost the topic to let you all know of additions (So if an old topic is on the homepage... scroll through for more pics).

You'll also notice that I've sourced a few more images from people out in the community and a big round of applause must go to them for letting me host their images. I've also created/snapped shots from Arkham City, Dead Island, Space Marines, Juice-Ex (lol) and a few others.

Please remember that this site has cost me real money and effort (not credit/stars) and even though I'll bitch and moan about no one DONATES or no one's offering sponsorship, I appreciate each and every hit to the site. More than that, I really enjoy reading peoples comments (which have all disappeared with the old posts) and the ever sporadic e-mails that come my way.

So, continue to spread the word about this site... at least contemplate the notion of DONATING and have a go at creating some wallpapers of your own (Download my PS template HERE)

Oh, one last thing.

I really, really, REALLY need people to start sending me screenshots of the games they are playing as I have a limited amount of time and money... so here are two ways I do it...

In Steam I just hit F12 to take screenshots (you can too!!!)
Everything else I do with FRAPS.

Ok, that's all. I hope you enjoy the new layout...



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